Write complete paragraphs: Write complete paragraphs on any topic you can imagine!.Extra languages can be added upon request in the comments section. You can choose the language you want from settings page. Multi-language support (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Arabic, Korean, Hindi, Indonesian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Romanian and Georgian).Choose the models to use (gpt-3.5-turbo, davinci, curie, ada, etc), fine-tune the amount of text generated by the plugin to control your cost and more. No third party in between. You don’t need to pay monthly subscription fees (besides your usage for OpenAI’s API) AIKit is compatible with the Gutenberg editor for seamless integration into your WordPress website. Easily add, edit or reorder prompts for all supported languages so you can always have them in the “AI” menu with you need them in the editor. Use AI to help you write your product description and short description right in your WooCommerce editor. This feature is available within Gutenberg, Classic editor and Elementor. AIKit is allows you to generate images that are matching to you posts using text-to-image DALL.E 2 API. (NEW) DALL.E 2 image generation from the comfort of your editor.AIKit is fully integrated with the WordPress classic editor so you can use it to generate content directly from your favourite editor. (NEW) Works within WordPress classic editor.Important: requires Elementor v3.5 or later. Increase your productivity with the all new AIKit Elementor widget and leverage AI content right inside your favourite page editor. AIKit brings AI text & image generation to Elementor.